- Largest non-profit organization that offers education and products for family planning, maternal, and child health.
Project Name: Sales and Inventory Management System (E-sales)
- This platform offers effective digital management of company sales channels.
- The software accommodates both Direct Sales and Order-based Sales, making it versatile for various sales approaches.
- Sales managers can leverage this platform to efficiently track sales data, reducing administrative overhead and facilitating the assignment of sales targets.
- It acts as a hub for keeping valuable customer data and facilitating smooth communication between the sales and marketing departments.
- SMC managed 900+ salespeople through our software platform efficiently.
- The huge sales force generates 15,000+ memos all over Bangladesh, which is managed by our platform.
- Our software helps them to manage 400+ distributors and 30,000+ outlets.
- Management can track the real-time location of salespersons and can also apply Geo-fencing to fix specific areas for someone.
- The platform offers robust data analysis capabilities, generating user-friendly charts and graphs with relevant insights, which aids in data-driven decision-making.
- This mobile app functions offline, allowing sales teams to operate in the field even without an internet connection. It seamlessly syncs with the system when a connection is reestablished.